Species: Capparis spinosa
Accession Number
Sample Location: three wild populations
Sample Part: leaves
Sequencing platform: Illumina HiSeq
Sequencing data: 80 million cleaned reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 208,677 transcripts with N50 length of 2,431 bp (mean length 1,493 bp), and 124,723 unigenes with N50 length of 2,380 bp(mean 1,417 bp)
Annotation Method: Nr, UniRef90, Pfam, GO, KEGG, KOG
Mercati F , Fontana I , Gristina A S , et al. Transcriptome analysis and codominant markers development in caper, a drought tolerant orphan crop with medicinal value[J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 10411.