Species: Morus alba
Accession Number
Sample Location: Mulberry plantation in Jiangsu University (Zhenjiang, China)
Sample Part: leaf
Sequencing platform: Ilumina Hiseq 2500
Sequencing data: 105,189,326 and 65,166,690 raw reads, 104,988,228 and 64,878,089 clean reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 112,481 unique transcripts with a mean length of 766 bp and an N50 value of 1,392. Transcript lengths ranged from 201–18,301 bp.
Annotation Method: NR, NT, SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, COG, KOG, KEGG, GO
Dujun, Wang, Li, et al. Transcriptome analysis and identification of key genes involved in 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthesis of mulberry (Morus alba L.)[J]. PeerJ, 2018.