Species: Tetrastigma hemsleyanum


Sample Location: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350000, Fujian, People's Republic of China

Sample Part: leaves


Sequencing platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500

Sequencing data: 54,433,014(0 h), 54,981,362(12 h), 53,390,246(24 h), 53,238,442(48 h) raw reads, and 45,346,334(0 h), 46,460,402(12 h), 44,804,246(24 h), 44,801,200(48 h) clean reads

Assembly and Annotation

Assembly software: Trinity

Assembly result: 151,924 'Trinity' genes and 106,275 unigenes, ranged from 201 to 15,668 bp in length, the average length of unigenes was 676 bp, N50 of 1,121 bp

Annotation Method: NT, NR, Uniprot database, RNAMMER, eggnog, GO, KEGG


Peng X, Wu H, Chen H J, et al. Transcriptome profiling reveals candidate flavonol-related genes of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum under cold stress. BMC genomics, 2019, 20(1): 687.

