Species: Paris polyphylla var. chinensis
Accession Number
Sample Location: Zhuxi County (Hubei, China)
Sample Part: root, rhizome, aerial stem, leaf, and flower
Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 2000
Sequencing data: 51,370,44 high quality reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 157,719 contigs (N50 = 401 bp, average length = 277 bp) and 57,537 unigenes (N50 = 664 bp, average length = 992 bp).
Annotation Method: NR, Swiss-Prot, GO, COG, KEGG
Yang Z , Yang L , Liu C , et al. Transcriptome analyses of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis, Ypsilandra thibetica, and Polygonatum kingianum characterize their steroidal saponin biosynthesis pathway[J]. Fitoterapia, 2019, 135: 52-63.