Species: Gleditsia sinensis


Sample Location: Inohana Campus, Chiba University, Japan

Sample Part: bark, branch, bud, fower, fruit, leaf, stalk, wood, and young leaf


Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 1500

Sequencing data: 14.3 Gb of clean reads

Assembly and Annotation

Assembly software: Trinity

Assembly result: 230,780 contigs(N50 = 1985 bp, average length = 1043 bp), 81,511 unitranscripts(N50 = 2064 bp, average length = 1318 bp), 47,855 unigenes(N50 = 1952 bp, average length = 1103 bp).

Annotation Method: Nr, GO, KEGG


Kuwahara Y , Nakajima D , Shinpo S , et al. Identification of potential genes involved in triterpenoid saponins biosynthesis in Gleditsia sinensis by transcriptome and metabolome analyses[J]. Journal of Natural Medicines, 2018.

