Species: Fritillaria cirrhosa
Accession Number
Sample Location: in the Bharmour Region, Himachal Pradesh, India (76◦ 37′ 42′′ E, 32◦ 23′ 52′′ N) at an altitude of 3800–4000 m above mean sea level.
Sample Part: bulb (PKW), in vitro regenerated plantlets (PK1), and callus (PK2)
Sequencing platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Sequencing data: 497.33 millions raw reads, 389.25 millions high-quality reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 1,02,065 transcripts, with an average length of 1,158.65 bp, N50 of 1,620 bp. 31,428 unigenes, with average sequence length of 624 bp, N50 of 1,813 bp.
Annotation Method: KEGG, COG, TAIR, Plant_TFDB, KAAS, GO, UniProt
Kumar P, Ashrita, Acharya V, Warghat AR. Comparative transcriptome analysis infers bulb derived in vitro cultures as a promising source for sipeimine biosynthesis in Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don (Liliaceae, syn. Fritillaria roylei Hook.) - High value Himalayan medicinal herb. Phytochemistry. 2020 Dec 25;183:112631.