Species: Dendrobium moniliforme
Accession Number
Sample Location: in the greenhouse of Anhui Tongjisheng Biotechnology Com, Anhui, China
Sample Part: roots, stems, leaves
Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 4000
Sequencing data: 828,655,836 raw reads, 811,451,164 clean reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 679,321 transcripts, with an average length of 703.77 bp, N50 length of 1,177 bp. 562,580 unigenes, with an average length of 111,5.67 bp, N50 length of 830 bp.
Annotation Method: Nr, Pfam, String, Swiss-Prot, KEGG
Yingdan Yuan,Jinchi Zhang,Justin Kallman,Xin Liu,Miaojing Meng,Jie Lin. Polysaccharide biosynthetic pathway profiling and putative gene mining of Dendrobium moniliforme using RNA-Seq in different tissues[J]. BMC Plant Biology,2019,19(1).