Species: Dendrobium officinale
Accession Number
Sample Location: a greenhouse of Zhejiang Academy of Agriculture Science, Hangzhou, China
Sample Part: seedlings
Sequencing platform: Illumina Hiseq 4000
Sequencing data: 269,267,462 clean reads
Assembly and Annotation
Assembly software: Trinity
Assembly result: 148,692 transcripts with a mean length of 754 bp. 60,597 unigenes with a mean length of 527 bp.
Annotation Method: NR, GO, NOG, Swiss-Prot, KEGG
Yue Chen,Yunzhu Wang,Ping Lyu,Liping Chen,Chenjia Shen,Chongbo Sun. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveal the regulation mechanism underlying MeJA-induced accumulation of alkaloids in Dendrobium officinale[J]. Journal of Plant Research,2019,132(3).